Scale Your Business And Cement Your Legacy With This Timeless Asset

For Service providers, Consultants, Coaches, Freelancers, and Agency owners.

Bariya Aba
11 min readDec 28, 2021
Photo by Ronda Darby on Unsplash

Getting leads, not just any type but pre-qualified ones has become a challenge in the current dispensation of a hyper-sensitive and skeptical audience where suspicion reigns supreme and where everyone now claims to be an expert — despite all these — people still need help now more than ever and if you take a look at your personal life and business- there are areas where you know you need an expert to come in to help but these days with claims of everyone being an expert it becomes difficult to clearly identify the genuine ones and this is just the exact scenario playing in the head of your prospects and as a service provider the next question that pop is

How Can i overcome this skepticism?

Not just that but successfully disarm all the objections in the minds of your prospects? In order to do that, firstly, you must gain their trust, and the process to successfully execute that task for any awareness level of prospects will stem from solving the pain point of your prospect upfront and the asset this article is about not only do that but also put you in their mind as the “go-to” option for further help

Because when you think about it, the survival of any business is hinged on the premise of having the right amount of leads and not just any type — pre-qualified leads… and the best part yet is having prospects who have already purchased from you..

People that have shown their willingness by investing a significant amount of money in what you have to offer.. They are already your customers. And there are different ways to go about customer acquisition but this article is going to be about an asset that transforms the process into a potent and reliable avenue for customer acquisition for any type of offer — even for HIGH TICKET —

Because to consistently sell your premium offers… there should already be people who see you as a trustworthy authority in your field and this asset will do all the work and demonstrate to them best way possible your expertise…

Names like Rusell Brunson, Mike Shreeve, Scott Olford, Lisa Smith etc……. Make use of this asset to scale not just their client acquisition where they sell their high end offers in a non-salesy and less pressured atmosphere but also — scale their businesses. And maybe you already have an idea what this asset is or perhaps you’re already thinking if it might work in your niche- well,


And these are the type of clients you or your sales team should be getting on a call with because they want to work with you, they want your help after getting this asset you’re about to read about. And the majority of these clients will come to you ready to shell out any fee you charge them because this asset will effectively fill your calendar with your dream clients. And I’m not talking about client acquisition through

  • VSL ❌

Because with those methods, you’ll get leads but the majority will be freebie seekers, people who will foot drag when on call with them because they would need all the convincing which on the long run, you end up wasting a lot more time on the wrong set of people and just maybe you might currently be critical of your sales team for lack of adequate conversion but the truth is… as long as you continue to make use of client acquisition channel that accommodate people who haven’t shown enough commitment towards what you can offer them then just maybe it isn’t the fault of your conversion team but rather.. Your client acquisition method that needs to be revamped and this article is about setting you into gear on the asset that aids that process…

‘The Vast Majority Of People That Attend Webinars Do So Because They Have More Time Than Money’

Although few people have been successful making use of webinars… however, it’s more of a short term method that can barely sustain momentum and scale in a higher and more sustainable way. And given the sophistication level of online buyers — at the mention of webinars or workshops they’d instantly roll their eyes because why not call it a sales pitch instead? And talking about legacies.. Webinars can’t stay relevant for a longer period of time Unlike this asset which i call TIMELESS due to its effectiveness over time and maybe after reading most of the notable names above you already have an idea of what asset i’m talking about is and your guess might just be correct because i am talking about BOOKS

Ok…So what’s so special about using a book as a tool for client acquisition you say? Well, keep reading to find out just how evergreen it is and not just that but having to be on the phone with prospects with an impression of you as a trusted authority in your field which is


But maybe you’re already thinking… ‘I am not an author — I have not written any book before.. And where do I even start from’ which is normal to have such thoughts but you don’t need to be an author to write your book.. However,

It requires a perspective shift to get things started because when you give it some thought, you’d agree with me how most people see books as just an ordinary item that can be obtained and discarded whenever it pleases because to them there are a thousand and one other great authors in your fields and why should they buy from you and it brings me to say that… ‘people don’t actually buy books, they buy tools to solve their problems which could also be a book’

While I definitely understand that the mere thought of writing a book overwhelms people, I am convinced that by the time you complete this article, you will have a change of heart about having a book written and you’ll soon see that it is quite systemized to be able to actually ‘speak one’… yes —

“Speak your book” because if you look at it, you won’t make it be just another random book that’d be obtainable out there… it’s going to be in your voice, your personal journey, experience, mistakes and actionable solutions uniquely assembled — and it could be hardcover or in pdf format… either ways… you’ll agree with me how timeless books are and that’s what gives it the extra edge in not just educating but also becoming a tool packed with solutions to relevant challenges people face on a daily basis…

but there is a process in getting your book attracted to your target market which is done through a proven method and coming up with a good hook (a good copywriter can help you with this) which could be another article entirely but for the sake of this one which is getting your book in gear — Let’s talk about getting it assembled.. And as a coach, service provider, consultant, freelancer and even an agency owner… you had a WHY before setting up the various services you are currently offering and this of course is what drives you day in day out running your business

…The fulfillment you derive from helping people with their numerous problems and in reverse getting paid.. Now how about helping people on a larger scale? Think about the impact you’d have on people’s lives and the best part yet.. This will continue even after you’ve served your purpose here on earth..

How timeless a book is and yours won’t be any different in that regard and this article will point you toward getting it structured in the best way possible to make sure it doesn’t end up being just another normal written book — because it’ll be assembled… packed with actionable steps to solve a problem your possible prospects are going through.

How It Will Be Structured

Again… Have in mind this won’t be ‘just another book’ — it will be not just an asset but also a problem fixing tool that will be specifically assembled to solve people’s problems.

The world already has too many challenges and as an expert in your dedicated field — you’re doing a disservice by not touching the lives of people that need the services you offer… How can you do this? By assembling your own book and putting it in the hands of the people that actually need your help.

I’ll try to squeeze in all you need to do to get your book ready and I know at the mention of book.. It makes you imagine how tedious it’ll be but that isn’t really the case.. Your book just has to contain HOW TO FIX A PARTICULAR PROBLEM

And that’s why you won’t hold anything back. With your vast years of helping out other people — you’re going to have that mindset in place when assembling your book. Case studies, failures, lessons, mistakes, best practices, solutions and of course the crucial part of it- success/progress check-in exercises (this make your prospect arrive at their own conclusion how bad or good things are and if they’d need help or not; hint: they probably will)

As said earlier it’ll be a tool — useful tool that when people get done distilling its content… they’d be too indoctrinated with your generosity that the next question that pops on their mind will be

I know how to fix this problem I am having, but i’d need help doing that’

Now — I am not saying everyone that reads your book is going to come to you and patronize whatever services you offer, but the majority will and those majority will come to you ready to work with you with no hard selling tactics on your part and this together with other pecks is what a book is capable of achieving…

But we just talked about how the book should be structured and haven’t discussed how best to go about assembling it.

Writing could be a task for quite a number of people and as technology keeps advancing — things become more simplified and writing is part of that evolution which brings me to…

Assembling Your Book

I mentioned to you earlier on about ‘speaking’ your book — and that’s due to how much of an impact SaaS(Software as a service) has on numerous internet based businesses and this include speaking a book as opposed to writing one.

There are varieties of free and paid software out there that you can make use of to speak your knowledge into written form but we will get into these software after we are done with how to assemble your book

First thing first — In chapters- you’ll outline the various challenges your service helps people fix — major causes…using your clients case studies and each challenge… how you went about fixing those specific problems–

How similar problems can be prevented — the strategies you make use of to execute your strategies.. Yes you’ll let it all out because the thing about humans is that… we all need help and we want the very best, someone with a proven track record — someone who understands our pains and has helped other people in fixing the challenges we face and not just that…

Someone we can TRUST.. Given the high rate of skepticism on the internet and demonstrating how much you really want to help in your book bridge that gap between you and your prospects while eliminating any form of competition in your niche because in as much as you’ll hold nothing back in your book, you’ll also include a crystal clear call to action in your book — yes…

It’s going to be you putting it out, you’re willing and ready to help them and this is very important because with every knowledge people acquire.. Not everyone can act on it all by themselves and that’s why you’ll make it known in strategic chapters in your book of how you can help them.

Don’t leave them guessing “what next” after reading your book.. It’s your obligation to let them know they can reach out to you for further help.

If you want people to believe you can help them, help them.

__Jim Rohn

Remember you’re trying to help people in similar condition hence you will hold nothing back and what I mean by holding nothing back is by outlining how you fixed yours and how you go about fixing people’s problems which could be business, health, lifestyle, habits etc

With case studies

Pointing out the pain points from chapters to chapters — proffering actionable solutions.

You can dedicate 15–20 minutes a day to getting a specific number of words for a chapter spoken — and talking about speaking your book using software… there are numerous out there like

Converse smartly (free trial version, paid) (paid)

Microsoft dictate

Google docs voice typing

And there are more out there and basically, all you have to do after outlining your chapters in the format I pointed out to you earlier and having a set number of minutes daily… bring out your phone and start talking into any voice to text software you decide as your choice..

Speak into it like you have your prospect in front of you and you’re advising her on a specific problem she’d been experiencing… What this does is it makes the text come out in a conversational tone and since you’ve decided to dedicate a specific number of minutes daily (considering how busy you might be), stick to it till you’re done with all the chapter outlines for your book.

Compile the raw spoken text and outsource it to an editor (you can find one on Upwork or Fiverr) to properly arrange and proofread. Add finishing touches because this won’t be just another book.. It will be an asset which won’t just cement your legacy but help people and also become an acquisition asset which will transcend beyond now and many more years to come —

That’s why getting it properly arranged should take the center stage from here after which you’d have to find the RIGHT HOOK to stand out and get the right attention of your target audience and this is where you’d need the help of a good copywriter to come up with a good hook

Before a designer will come in to have your book cover and outlines designed.. Now your book is ready and the next logical step will be getting it into the hands of as many people as possible and this can be done by launching it to your mailing list (if you have one) and to your social media followers (this is the organic way) and it has its limits because the outreach will be limited and that’s where i’d advise the inclusion of paid ads to get your book into the hands of as many people as possible outside your immediate audience and that’s where a funnel needs to be set up

If you already have a team to handle that — great because this is where you’d have to put them to work setting up one for you which of course isn’t the main purpose of this article

But a book funnel needs to be designed in a specific way that guarantees maximum conversion and

And your book when ready needs to get into the hands of as many people as possible and you can either do this organically or with paid ads.

And if you find yourself stuck on something and need help, there are books out there that can help or perhaps

Honest people willing to get in the trenches with you to help and all you just have to do is seek them ASK FOR HELP.

In conclusion, it’s only fair to give credit to Micheal Shreeve, a mentor I look up to and who I have consumed his teachings and methodologies, as this article is a doctrine he espouses.



Bariya Aba

I help ecom business owners increase their revenue through email.